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Image by Sean Oulashin
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Beena Sri-Narayan

Image by Pawel Czerwinski
How Guru Nitya Has Impacted My Life

Guru Nitya’s non-judgmental attitude and acceptance of where I am in my journey, has helped me to continue and not give up.


Experiencing beauty and love gives me immense pleasure, at the same time experiencing pain gives unbearable sorrow too. Guru Nitya has taught me to see life as a play, lila, a passing show and stay connected to the inner consciousness, in a state of samatvam, equilibrium; as a witnessing sakshi to all the passing show on the screen.


Guru Nitya, continues to remind me to take a break from being caught up on the temporary, passing show and look at what illuminates all; just as the electricity illuminating the electric bulbs and electric fans.  The ever Existing, eternal Reality, the Consciousness which is not affected by time and space is all that Exists, ‘That Alone Exist.’


Guru Nitya has raised my awareness of the reality of death and the importance of

living in the eternal present, here and now; live in the moment, in harmony and at peace with myself as well as others, and the environment, which are all made from the same star dust, the One Consciousness. 


I am not going to take anything with me after my final breath in this body but ‘Me and Mine’ is so so important and the creeping weeds of ‘Me and Mine’ obscures the tree.


Guru Nitya advises to break the concrete walls of prejudices and expand the ego identity beyond my own skin just as the mother’s ego identity expands to the baby’s needs.


Instead of being caught up in the temporary ups and downs in life, Guru Nitya has encouraged me to observe and adore the beauty and the vastness of this magnificent creation and the substratum that sustains it all.


Guru Nitya has taught me to be free and strong; be happy and at peace at this moment, here and now.  Listen to my magical breath and feel the calmness and switch to a positive state of being. 


I need more than daily bread which is the first need. I am constantly seeking happiness, ananda; a work in progress.  


Thank you, Guru Nitya, Nancy, Scott, Guru Muni Narayana Prasad, Swami Tyagi, Swami Tanmaya, for your patience, support and guidance.



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