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Image by Sean Oulashin
Viktoria Vidali.jpeg

Brian Berman

Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Some of my fondest memories with Nitya were when he was immersed in painting or composing poetry. This side of him radiated a brilliant creativity, akin to water gently flowing into a creek, then into a river, and into the ocean. Writing poetry and prose was a creative joy for him, and his drawings and paintings showcased how simplicity could convey profound depth. His friendship was also a precious gift of his time, and how his mentorship supported me in leading a balanced life.


After a huge business loss I turned to sculpting as something to do with my pain. Nitya said that I was accessing deep archetypes and that I should give myself full permission to explore this expression. From his words of support, and from seeing him live his life so fully, embracing both the wisdom teachings, as well as the arts, I knew that this path would unfold in a good way for me, because he had given me his blessing.


“Oneness,” an image of my artwork, acknowledges the inspiration and support Nitya gave me. From as early as 1971, he gave me his blessing and mentorship to give myself to the arts.


Brian Berman

artist for peace

August 15.jpeg
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