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Image by Sean Oulashin
Viktoria Vidali.jpeg

Byju Sukumaran

Image by Pawel Czerwinski
The Ongoing Influence of Guru Nitya

Guru was a huge influence on me.  I was very fortunate to have conversations with Guru from my early childhood through to adulthood. Understanding myself, to finding peace, happiness and meaning of all that surrounds me, comes from our conversations. My mind was exposed to the joy and appreciation of visual arts, music, history, cooking, philosophy and ultimately others and the diverse ideas around us.


I followed a love of arts as a result, looking for the commonalities and differences between cultures around religious ceremonies and spiritualism. Guru will forever have a positive influence on my outlook with a healthy thirst of curiosity which I feel is also seeping through to my children.


Happy 100th! Here are a couple of pictures that Guru was certainly in the back of my mind whilst I painted.

August 15.jpeg
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