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Image by Sean Oulashin
Viktoria Vidali.jpeg

Jean Norrby

Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Is anything in the universe ever really random?  Nitya's entry into my life (1974) does not feel random.  Many things led up to it, and afterwards "that has made all of the difference."  The people I know, the thoughts I think, the mantras that guide me—all link to Nitya.


It's all a storm in a waterglass.

Perspective, perspective!  (zoom in transactionally, zoom out vertically to get the greater picture)

Keep balanced.

Know that love is all around.

Feel life's purpose: to give service and time to the ones around us, finding community and helping others experience it, too.


Thank you, Nitya, for "seeing" me, as you indeed saw each one of us, for articulating many important ideas, and for welcoming me to your Blue Mountain home. It was a trip that finally took place ten years after your samadhi, but Nancy was my very special guide, and your presence was deeply felt. That visit gave me a 60th birthday gift of deeper understanding and widened perspective.


(My photo here commemorates that visit, as I celebrate my birthday enjoying payasam in the Fernhill Gurukula dining hall.)

August 15.jpeg
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